EP3: The beginner’s guide to hydroponic garden, plus DIY Containers and Homemade liquid nutrients

In this episode, “EP3: The beginner’s guide to hydroponic garden, plus DIY Containers and Homemade liquid nutrients,” the creators, Char and Marv, are passionate about helping people grow their own food. They explain how to set up a DIY deep water hydroponic culture system and provide tips for hydroponic equipment, such as a grow tent and grow lights. They also teach how to make homemade natural liquid nutrients, emphasizing the joy and satisfaction of eating fresh, homegrown food and sharing it with others. By providing a material list for DIY hydroponics and suggesting a 10-gallon container for the hydroponic system, they make it easy and simple for beginners to get started. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in growing their own food and experiencing the benefits of hydroponic gardening.

In the video, Char and Marv, also known as Planted in the Garden, share their knowledge and expertise about indoor gardening and hydroponics. They highlight the convenience and flexibility of growing your own food anywhere, anytime, and in any season. With their step-by-step instructions on building a DIY deep water hydroponic system using tote bins and making natural liquid nutrients using compost and other ingredients, they make indoor gardening accessible to everyone. Whether you have a small space or a larger area, this video provides valuable information and helpful advice on getting started with hydroponics. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from Char and Marv and join the movement of growing your own food.

EP3: The Beginner’s Guide to Hydroponic Garden

Introduction to Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead, plants are grown in nutrient-rich water solutions, allowing them to receive all the necessary nutrients directly. This innovative gardening technique has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous advantages over traditional soil gardening.

Benefits of Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic gardening offers several benefits that make it an attractive option for both beginner and experienced gardeners. Firstly, it allows you to grow food anywhere, anytime, and any season. With hydroponics, you are not limited to traditional growing seasons and can have a bountiful harvest year-round.

Another advantage is the minimal usage of soil and water. In hydroponic systems, plants only require a fraction of the water used in traditional gardening. Additionally, by eliminating the need for soil, you can save space and grow plants in smaller areas.

One of the most significant benefits of hydroponic gardening is the faster growth and higher yields it produces. Without the limitations of soil, plants can absorb nutrients more efficiently, resulting in accelerated growth rates and increased crop yields.

Another advantage is the control over nutrient levels. In hydroponic systems, you have complete control over the nutrient solution, allowing you to adjust the levels to optimize plant growth. This level of control is particularly beneficial for plants with specific nutrient requirements.

Lastly, hydroponic gardening eliminates the need for dealing with weeds and pests. Without soil, there is no opportunity for weeds to grow, reducing the need for manual labor and herbicides. Similarly, pests that rely on soil for survival are not an issue in hydroponic systems, minimizing the need for pesticides.

Materials Needed for Hydroponic Gardening

To get started with hydroponic gardening, you will need a few essential materials. The basic list includes a container (such as a tote bin), an air pump, an air stone, clear tubing, a net pot, and a medium for the plants (such as clay pebbles or rockwool).

Optional materials can be used to enhance and customize your hydroponic setup. These may include pH testers, EC meters to measure nutrient levels, timers for automated lighting, and trellises for supporting vining plants.

You can purchase hydroponic supplies from various sources, including gardening centers, online retailers, and specialized hydroponic stores. It is essential to ensure that all materials are food-safe and suitable for hydroponic use.

EP3: The beginners guide to hydroponic garden, plus DIY Containers and Homemade liquid nutrients

Setting Up a DIY Deep Water Hydroponic Culture System

Deep water hydroponics is one of the simplest and most popular methods of hydroponic gardening. This system involves suspending plants in a nutrient-rich water solution, with roots submerged directly in the water.

To set up a DIY deep water hydroponic system, you will need a container, an air pump, an air stone, clear tubing, a net pot, and a growing medium like clay pebbles. Start by drilling a hole in the container’s lid to insert the tubing and attaching the air stone to the other end of the tubing. Connect the tubing to the air pump, making sure to position the pump above water level to prevent backflow.

Fill the container with water, keeping the water level below the clear tubing. Place the net pot, filled with the growing medium, into the hole on the lid. The roots of the plants will grow through the net pot and into the nutrient-rich water. Maintain the system by checking the water level, topping it off as needed, and adding the appropriate nutrients once a month.

It is important to monitor and maintain the system regularly to ensure optimal plant growth. This includes checking the pH and nutrient levels, replacing the water every few weeks, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Choosing the Right Container for Hydroponic System

The container you choose for your hydroponic system is crucial for the success of your garden. It should provide adequate space for the plants to grow and have the necessary features to support the system’s functionality.

A 10-gallon container, such as a Rubbermaid tote, is recommended for beginners. This size provides ample space for the plants’ root systems and makes it easier to maintain stable nutrient levels.

When selecting a container, consider its durability and the ease of working with it. A sturdy container that can withstand the weight of the water and the plants is essential. Additionally, ensure that the container is food-safe, indicated by a PP number 5 label.

Alternative container options include buckets, buckets with lids, and PVC pipes. These options can be customized to suit your space and gardening needs. However, it is essential to ensure that the container has adequate drainage and can hold the necessary volume of water and nutrients.

Making Homemade Natural Liquid Nutrients

nutrients play a vital role in hydroponic gardening. Unlike traditional soil gardening, where plants obtain nutrients from the soil, hydroponic plants rely on nutrient solutions added directly to the water.

Homemade natural liquid nutrients offer an affordable and customizable alternative to pre-made nutrient solutions. To make your own nutrient solution, you will need a few key ingredients: worm castings, seaweed extract (kelp), and Epsom salt.

Start by filling a five-gallon bucket with water and adding three to four pounds of worm castings. Worm castings are rich in organic matter and contain essential nutrients for plant growth.

Next, add six ounces of kelp to the water. Kelp is a type of seaweed that is rich in trace minerals and nutrients beneficial for plant development.

Finally, incorporate five teaspoons of Epsom salt into the nutrient mix. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which helps plants absorb nutrients efficiently.

Let the nutrient mix sit for 24 hours to allow the ingredients to infuse into the water. Afterward, strain the mix using a fine mesh bag or filter to remove any debris.

Before using the nutrient solution, dilute it with water at a ratio of five parts water to one part nutrient mix. This will ensure that the nutrient levels are appropriate for plant growth.

Tips for Hydroponic Equipment

Choosing the right equipment is essential for the success of your hydroponic garden. Here are a few tips to help you select the appropriate hydroponic equipment:

  • Grow Tent: If you plan to grow plants indoors, consider investing in a suitable grow tent. An 8’x8′ grow tent provides ample space for multiple plants while allowing for proper ventilation and light control.
  • Grow Lights: Selecting the right grow lights is crucial for providing your plants with the necessary light spectrum for photosynthesis. LED lights are a popular choice due to their energy efficiency and customizable light spectrum options.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels is important for plant health. Use a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor the conditions in your grow room and invest in heating or cooling systems as needed.
  • Ventilation and Airflow: Proper ventilation and airflow are essential for preventing heat buildup and maintaining optimal air quality in your grow room. Use fans and air circulation systems to ensure adequate air exchange.

Favorite Products Recommended by Char and Marv

Char and Marv, the creators of the video, have shared their favorite hydroponic products based on their experience and expertise. These recommendations are a result of their passion for helping people grow their own food and their commitment to finding effective and reliable products.

The video provides an overview of their favorite products and includes detailed reviews and recommendations. From grow tents and lights to nutrient solutions and other hydroponic supplies, Char and Marv offer valuable insights into their top picks. Information on where to purchase these recommended products is also included.

Social Media Presence of Char and Marv

Char and Marv, also known as Planted in the Garden, are passionate urban gardeners based in Toronto. They share their love for growing food through various social media platforms, including Facebook.

On their Facebook page, Thisis.Plantedinthegarden, Char and Marv provide additional content, gardening tips, and updates on their own hydroponic journey. By following them on social media, you can stay connected with their latest videos, insights, and creative solutions for year-round gardening.


In conclusion, hydroponic gardening offers an exciting and innovative way to grow your own food. With the beginner’s guide to hydroponic gardening, you can learn how to set up a DIY deep water hydroponic system and make homemade natural liquid nutrients.

The benefits of hydroponic gardening, such as the ability to grow food anywhere, minimize water usage, and achieve faster growth and higher yields, make it an attractive option. By choosing the right container, selecting suitable hydroponic equipment, and following the recommendations of experienced gardeners like Char and Marv, you can embark on a successful hydroponic gardening journey.

So why wait? Start growing your own fresh, homegrown food today and experience the joy of sharing it with others. Happy gardening!

If you’re new to indoor gardening or hydroponics, this brief introduction will explain how it works and how you can set up your own DIY deep water hydroponic culture system. The setup process is simple and easy! You can even learn how to make your own natural liquid nutrients at home.

You can grow food anywhere, anytime, and in any season. If you haven’t considered growing your own food yet, it’s never too late to start.

Check out the following links for more information:

  • DIY Material List: EP3: The beginner’s guide to hydroponic garden, plus DIY Containers and Homemade liquid nutrients here
  • Build your own Hydroponic here
  • Make Natural Liquid Nutrients here
  • Transplant Seedlings here
  • Grow lights cost here

Here are some equipment ideas for hydroponics:

We are Char and Marv from @plantedinthegarden!

Our main goal is to encourage as many people as possible to grow their own food, regardless of their experience or available space.

We are urban gardeners from Toronto who fell in love with growing food because not only is it wonderful to eat freshly homegrown food, but you also have control over what goes into it. The joy of sharing it with family, friends, and the community is also unparalleled.

Gardening is a continuous journey for us. We are always seeking solutions to keep growing our food, no matter the season. Whether it’s outdoor gardening, a garage grow tent, or hydroponics, year-round gardening is truly possible. Our philosophy is based on simple living, loving what you do, and doing it with love!

Every year, as we start our garden, we learn something new and accept that it’s okay if things don’t always work out. We always have new growth to look forward to, so keep learning and exploring.

You can find us on social media:

Check out our favorite products here.

Judd Beale

I'm Judd Beale, the author & creator of hydrogroove. I am passionate & enthusiastic about the many benefits of cultivating fresh produce using hydroponics, especially more recently on a smaller scale. My aim is to provide in-depth information & guidance that assists anyone who wants to get started with their own DIY hydroponics growing system.

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